Monday, December 14, 2009

Australia: the first week in review

Getting settled into a new home… what fun. Actually, truth is, it has been. Most of the time this many changes at once sucks. I have the good fortune of living with a good group of people I actually feel at home with. The whole having brothers thing is still taking a bit more adjustment than anything else in my only child mind, but I’m getting it.

I miss the ocean. Not going to lie about that one. Although I’d go for days and even a couple weeks without going to the beach at home, it is nice knowing I have the option to. I have chosen to harness my energy of missing the ocean, as inspiration to train harder, to accelerate my joining the Navy process, so that I never stray too far away from a large body of water (unless by some misfortune I get stationed at China Lake in the middle of the California Desert)

The boys have finished school this week. I have gotten use to my new surroundings. I hate the circular design city. I’m getting it. I think I know how to find my way home now if I was randomly dumped anywhere in town (in theory). Slightly worried if I tell that to Paul he may actually blindfold me and test me on that.

Besides the being totally inland thing, Leeton seems like quite a nice place. I have to actually start working this week. Money doesn’t grow on trees down here either. My first week here was good though. A couple minor setbacks here and there, but such is life. Thank God for Skype though.

Orientation week down... another 5 months to go :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a great time as I read between the lines. I will have to look up Leetown on a map.Then I can orient your location compared to where Michol & Deborah spent time down under. Perhaps you will add a bit of an Aussie twang. By the way we will be having EVERYBODY here for at least one day during the holidays so from them to you a very Meryy Christmas...
    Take care-Ha, ha, ha!!
    Mrs.B aka Z


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