Monday, February 8, 2010

Attept #2 at Stealing Tyson's Tiger

The Estonian's and I, and EVEN MORE Estonians went out again this weekend. I once again cannot go into details. But, I did learn another drinking game.

In this one, there is one person who sits out of play and is the role of Dealer/Judge.

They shuffle the deck, and draw a card. Various rules are applied to various cards at the end of each round (you never make it through the deck) the first three rules are:

On the King, make a crown like symbol over your head.

On the Queen, cup your bust making the shape of a bra.

On the Jack, I don't remember... but I'll let you know when I know.

The Dealer/Judge decides who was the slowest person to do the action and they have to drink. after going through the cards, the Dealer/Judge decides who drank the most, and they are now assigned as the Dealer/Judge after creating a new rule for any of the cards.

I did say my first complete sentence in Estonian, and it was a very very fitting sentence to say on my hero, President Ronald Reagan's birthday:

"Kai Persa Noukogude Liit"

Which, very loosely translated into English means:

"F^<% you Soviet Union"

I never said it was a pleasant sentence, i just said it was my first one that I put together myself.

The 2nd group of Estonians are friends of the 1st group. They happen to be staying in a hostel outside of Griffith (40ish minutes north of Leeton). Two guys and a girl. My number of Eesti sobrad (Estonian friends)keeps growing.

And so, the Birthweek celebration comes to a close.

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