Ya’lls need to read some more Shakespeare.
I do highly appreciate the concern to my back muscles though, just to get that out of the way. It feels WAY better than it did a few days ago. The back references where not in reference to that though.
As further proof of my extreme ego… for years, I’ve had this feeling that I’ll either die on the ides of March (or beginning of December).
I do NOT know why.
Just cause GJC was killed on this day… means nothing to me right?
I mean, the prophecy was just in the book that might or might not have been written by “William”
The risk of death aside, this is MY row of string beans:
This is what I spend my day with picking away like a Mexican
Oh what fun! This row of string beans seems to be the greatest threat to my back, and not the daggers of angry senators.
Some good is coming out of all this Mexican experience; I have a new found respect towards vegetables.
you are so random lol....nice string beans