Thursday, March 11, 2010

You Know…

…We fought the redcoats to avoid this stress.

Good news first.

My parents have decided that they would like an Australian adventure of their own. They get here at the end of April, and go back the day I’m supposed to. So assuming I don’t get my ticket extended, we’ll go home the same day (how nice and family like).

This does of course mean…


Hurray for Capt. Dave!

So, yes, you could say I’m a bit excited at fulfilling my dream of diving in the GBR.

But now… the thing at the forefront of my mind for the day.

Today I did one of the only things we can be certain of in life. I’m alive to tell you about it, so by process of elimination… yes, I did my taxes.

I wouldn’t have minded so much except for the fact that I nearly tore my room apart looking for my W-2 freaking out that I didn’t pack it.

Then the epiphany moment. I left at the beginning of December, of course I didn’t pack it. So, Jan having a much better memory than me, staved off my potential panic attack by saving my paperwork from being lost forever. You see, it happened to be in the same envelop as my new driver’s license.

Sigh… what a reh-tah-d

I also realized something today…

In a way, EVERY American, is a molestation victim, because our Uncle Sam rapes us every year.

I believe in taxes, to a certain extent. Most of you know that I am registered a Republican, I primarily vote on the conservative side, and yes, Ronald Reagan is my hero. When I run for President, it will be, as a Republican, due to my belief of it being the lesser of two evils. So, I am definitely not one of those crazy-ass Tea Party people.

I will say this though;

WTF Washington!!!

I am fine with paying to make our Military the best in the world, and I’m fine with paying to make our schools the best in the world. But hand outs, and useless spending?!

Here is a clip from a favorite movie of mine (“Dave” starring Kevin Klein)


And yes, I am a flat tax person, and yes, I’ve heard the argument that it favors the rich, but you know what, we should all try to become that, so doesn’t it give you an extra carrot to chase.

Anyway… Julie F. you are like totally my hero of the week by the way, I love you and your immeasurable help that you give me year after year.


In other news, apparently Autumn comes in the form of a small hurricane that lasts a half week, and you forget what summer was like. Aaahhhhh 20 degree days again… just like on the Central Coast. I never realized how cold 20 C was until I’ve lived 35-40 C on a regular basis.

So spoiled growing up on the Central Coast…

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