Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wanting A to Being A Rachel

Edward… What the hell are you talking about!?

Well, remember a couple weeks ago when I met Ray’s daughter, and was referring to her as “Rachel” because of the Biblical story of Jacob working on Rachel’s fathers farm to get approval to marry her. Ya? And remember yesterday when I said I am going to be working at a coffee shop?

Ok, now then, who remembers Season 1 of “Friends”?

Rachel Greene (played by the very beautiful Jennifer Anniston). A spoiled city slicker finds herself in a new situation with a new group of friends, and goes from being taken care of by her parents to working in Central Perk, the coffee shop the friends cast frequent. Savy?

Ya… ok, seemed like a creative title for a blog at the time…

FIRST though! (2nd if you are counting the intro trying to explain the way I name things) A very happy Birthday to a very special person who has been quite an added blessing in my life, Michelle. I’m lucky to have a friend like her, I’m lucky to have shared some of my travel memories with her, and I’ll be lucky when we are both in the same country to hang out with her again. Michelle, may your 24th lap around the sun be filled with many blessings, adventures, friends, and opportunities, and may it be just one of MANY laps that God has planned for you to take in His service.

Alright, funs over, back to business.

So, Dirty Job #11: Working at a café.

Unfortunatly, not as a baker, as the bus boy/dishwasher/whatever the hell else they need me to do. I don’t mind it so much because it reminds me of the good ol’ days working with my camp Mom, Liz. Except… OSHA has no say in Australia, they have OHNS, but even OHNS’s word doesn’t seem to carry much weight around here. Mom Liz… you would have been BEYOND sorely disappointed. Some of the stuff was just getting rinsed! The stuff that DID go through the dishwasher wasn’t even scrubbed before hand, so some gunk just got baked on by the heat. Icky…

OH, and another thing Liz… remember how I could never perfectly cut even slices of tomatoes? Ya… guess what!

…still can’t… I did manage to take a bit of skin off my thumb though.

Twas an alright day all in all. Except that Ray wasn’t home, so I only worked one of
the two jobs. That was kind of enough though.

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