Waste, Overindulgence.
Gluttony: the act or practice of eating to excess
I never had this problem until football. Under normal circumstances, I don’t have this problem. Unfortunately, I seem to suffer a minor case of Dysthymia (chronic depression), I also seem to comfort eat. Fifty of the pounds I’m trying to lose came in one 6 month period of time at the end of my senior year in high school, those of you who knew me then, might have an idea how bad a year I had. The other fifty that I have lost since last year I put on in the last 6 months with what’s her name.
Though, on a regular basis, depression and holidays excluded, I think it safe to say, I don’t suffer this one consistently. I am obviously guilty of it, otherwise I wouldn’t have had to go to the other side of the world and change my whole lifestyle.
1. To use, consume, spend, or expend thoughtlessly or carelessly.
2. To fail to take advantage of or use for profit.
1: It is quite debatable, that I “waste” money. I just see it as a resource to accomplish things. Example: spending time with a friend, going out to eat. People are more important to me than money, hence the number of Christ’s Mass presents I buy every year.
2: I am an opportunist. So I would argue that this part of the sin does NOT apply to me. On a regular basis anyway.
Overindulgence: To indulge to excess.
Addiction. Pepsi would be my most predominant addiction. I have spent the last few weeks trying to break it. I am nearly to the point of not having withdrawal headaches, nearly. I have come to realize in my time here that I seem to have an addictive personality. Ironically, I don’t see (much of) a problem with alcohol and addiction. Pepsi is much worse. It is good though being aware of my potential in this vice. I feel it will help me keep a closer eye on myself and my health.
I am not the only American that suffers this. Sixty seven percent of noninstitutionlized adults (The civilian population excluding persons residing in institutions. Such institutions consist primarily of nursing homes, prisons, jails, mental hospitals, and juvenile correctional facilities) aged 20 and above are overweight. Six out of ten (nearly seven) out of ten American adults! I don’t even feel like going into all the statistics of drug abuse.
There are people ALL over the world who are quite literally starving to death. If obesity was a world wide problem, well, then that would show that we are taking care of others. The fact though that Americans, Aussies, and UKers are so much fatter than Haitians, Kenyans, Indians (dot not feather), etc. shows that we are selfishly looking out for ourselves. And the amount of food that I see people waste. Almost makes me cry when I think to my countrymen in my mother country of Honduras. That was quite literally, one of the reasons I had to break up with "she who must not be named" because of the disgust in seeing her how much she wasted. She is not alone however...
I really really HATE sounding like a Baptist or Pentecostal, but... Seriously… how long before we piss God off like Sodom did?
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