Their meaning, how I see them acted out in the modern world, and my own level of involvement. I am telling you in advance this is coming not so that you may run from it, but to challenge you, to put yourself under the microscope. I’m not saying you have to announce your findings to the world, most of you won’t want to. I do think it is important to be honest with ourselves. I don’t have a problem sharing about myself, there is no classified information, and most of you see my hypocrisy in everyday life anyway, so it’s not as if any of it would be a big secret.
Why do this now I was asked earlier in the week? Well, a couple reasons… #1 Its Holy Week next week. #2 Having my hands in the soil, working by myself, I’ve had quite a bit of time to think about things. I feel closest to God in nature. There is a commercial on Aussie TV that has an Abo talking about going out into nature and how therapeutic it is, how when you go out into nature and go on a hike, you are giving Mother Nature a back rub. So, proximity to nature with plenty of time to think and of course the fact that it is Holy Week.
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, the day we as a people warmly greeted Joshua into Jerusalem only days before murdering him in one of the worst ways possible. A method of death SO painful, they had to make up a new word just to describe how painful it was (Excruciating: Ex = out of, crux = cross)
We sheeple suck.
I know I do… and this next week, I’ll prove it.
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