I made friends with a shoop. Edward… a what?!
A shoop.
Ya, you heard me (read technically). It is a new word I am trying to coin, it is the singular for “sheep”. That rant to come another day.
A while ago the family got 4 new sheep, for some reason though, I kept calling them goats the first few days they were here, and I wanted nothing to do with them (big surprise right). Then, the other day I was working around the house, and I decided to do “some weeding”, in other words, I got one of the shoop on a leash (they are very quite behaved) and tied him up next where I was working.
The band “Cake” does a song called “Sheep go to Heaven, Goats go to Hell”. This is of course in reference to Christ being the good Shepard yada yada yada.
I thought about how often I kept calling Macca a goat, and how often other people where calling the new 4 sheep goats. Then I realized something…
“How many people do I know consider me a goat instead of sheep?” I am of course referring to the song by Cake.
I know of at least one teacher from VCA who publicly criticizes me as a goat. Who else do “true born again ‘sheep’” criticize to be “goats”? Rev. Jerry Falwell was quoted in saying that Mother Teresa was not a true Christian. Why is that Jerry? Because she didn’t have her own TV show or a multi-million dollar non-profit organization like you did or like Joel Osteen does today?
Walking back and forth past “Macca the Shoop” who is often accidentally called “Macca the Goat” I realized the pain of being judged by others into being called something that I am not.
I am not the best example of a faithful shoop of the Good Shepard as was displayed during my “Seven Deadly Sins” series. The fact that I consider myself a Non-Denomination and jokingly call myself a “Roman Protestant” which throws off many people must also add to the bias and stereotype that perhaps I’ll be standing on the left of the Good Shepard and not the right during the judgment.
Not only the thought of how Christians judge other Christians in general bothered me, more personally however, what side of the Shepard must my “Dr. Cuddy” think that I will be standing on? I have given her plenty of reasons to think it will be on the left.
So, having considered my own segregation from some of the more judgmental amongst “my own kind”, something happened that I never foresaw happening.
I made friends with a shoop.
I feel bad about accidentally calling Macca a goat so many times.
“Do onto others, as you would have them do onto you”
-The Golden Rule
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