Friday, April 2, 2010

Five Languages of Love

Technically this is not part of the seven sins series, and yet it sort of is. Before you go on to read “One Nail for Each Hand” please read this one first.

“The Five Languages of Love” is a book written by Dr. Gary Chapman, a psychologist whose specialty is marital counseling. The book is about a conclusion that he has come to after years of counseling couples.

In the book he states that EVERYone expresses love to others in one of five main ways. “Languages”. Now, just like with languages, there are sub dialects, Ex: Mexican Spanish vs. Honduran Spanish vs. Castilian Spaniard Spanish; English English vs. American English vs. Aussie English. The languages are:

Touch (someone likes hugs a lot)
Words of Affirmation (someone who likes people bragging about them)
Acts of Service (someone who likes doing stuff for others or likes when others does stuff for them)
Gifts (someone who gives gifts)
Quality Time (someone who likes actual time with another person)

And there are of course sub-dialects to each of these, one touch person can be fine with high fives and pats on the back where as another touch person is a hugger. Words people either give toasts in front of audiences, or just pull you aside and say something nice, or just write it in a note. Acts, gifts, quality time, etc… everyone has their own specific sub-dialect.

It is a wonderful book, I recommend it to anyone who gives me a long enough amount of time to rave about it. The concept though is not just applicable to lovers, he only realized it while dealing with lovers, but you can actually apply the results to all your relationships: friends, parents, siblings, and children.

The reason I tell you all this before posting the last blog in this series is because in order to better understand what I’m going to tell you, it helps to know that my top 2 love languages that I use are:

Touch (hence why I am a hugger)
Words of Affirmation (hence why I write about others and give toasts etc.)

I would like to invite all of you to take this online version of the test to see what your language is. Once you know, I also encourage you to either comment on this blog with your name saying what your results where and/or emailing me or facebook messaging me for more privacy with your results. It’s nice if you know what you are, it’s great if others know what you are. Then other people know when you are showing them love, and they know how to show it to you in return.

The test is written in the format of a significant other, those with someone, imagine it’s them, those who are single, imagine a significant other.

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