I am not talking about that faigelah from camp.
The constellation!
Also known as “the Hunter”, I feel like I can relate to Orion.
You see, he was the son of Poseidon (or Neptune) the Sea-god. He was a brave warrior and mighty hunter, ALWAYS up for adventure. Animals were not the only thing he hunted though. He spent quite a bit of time chasing after a set of sisters (you Santa Barbarians know what I’m talkin about ; ) )
Once on a hunting trip with the goddess Artemis however… Pride get’s the best of him, and he makes an outrageous claim about his hunting ability that does NOT please Mother Earth at all. So, Earth sends a big ass scary looking scorpion to take him out. It succeeds. Artemis and her mother Leto then asked Zeus to honor the Greek hero by placing him in the sky for all to remember. In the sky with him happen to be his two pet dogs who would go hunting with him, and chasing him in the night sky is Scorpio, the hunter of the hunter. In front of Orion are the beautiful Pleiades sisters who he chased around for awhile. Unfortunately, Pleione their mother is not too pleased with Orion, and so she has placed her pet bull Taurus in between her daughters and that man whore. That is why he is holding his shield up and has his sword in hand, bracing for the attack from Taurus. The term “Bull’s eye” also comes from this story. If you notice, one of Taurus’s eyes is composed of a red star.
Orion, being on the celestial equator, is one of the lucky constellations visible in each hemisphere. Even the Australian Aboriginals had a legend about these two brothers in a canoe that make up the Orion constellation, they call it “Julpan” however.
It is unfortunetly that time of the year when Orion retreats away from Scorpio and no longer becomes visible. Good bye old friend… Until we meet again next (northern hemisphere) winter.
In other news…
Worked a half day at Ray’s today. Digging holes for 3 posts. It was almost symbolic in a sense. An Italian ordering another Wog to dig three posts in a row which will soon be filled with a post. Made me think of the three crosses on top of Golgotha that the Romans erected for Christ’s crucifixion. Especially doing all this on Good Friday, it reminded me of the fact that it is my fault He had to die.
Ray inspected one of the holes an hour and half into the dig. He looked down Harry and started putting crap on me about, “An average good worker can do all 3 in 3 hours, but… you’re not gonna get it done. Shit boy, I could have done what you’ve done here in a half hour.” Ray did not know that I had also been working on Tom and Dick at the same time. Yes, I did name each of the holes after the tunnels in the Great Escape, I pretty much always name anything in threes that I am dealing with after the tunnels in the Great Escape, and I felt it extra appropriate in this situation. Ray ended up being right though… it did take longer than 3 hours… it took 3 hours and 7 minutes!
I am also within $100 of my Central America trip for June, so, ya, more good news.
In other news though… there has been a MASH marathon on all day. Being that MASH is a favorite in this household, Paul and I have been watching quite a few episodes while I’ve been doing quite a bit of writing. All this MASH watching though, makes me realize how much I miss the good ol’ days at camp with my friend CJ. You see, we all have (had) camp names, mine of course being “Eagle”, well, CJ’s was “Radar”. Named after the character of course, not only looks, but personality. So… watching Radar back-to-back like that… well, I miss you CJ. Be careful wherever it is your not allowed to tell me you are stationed, I pray for you that you will make it home safely.
G’night all, it has been a fun and pensive day for me. So, as I say bye to Orion and Good Friday, you all on the other side of the world enjoy it.
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