Monday, January 11, 2010

Road Trip Adventure: Day 1

Nothing major to report on this day, although, I did get to be in three different Australia states in one day (I happened to catch up on a lot of sleep in the back seat).

We got to Adelaide, drove through… and something seemed familiar, though I couldn’t place it. Then we got to the suburb where we stayed called Aldinga Beach. As we drove to the supermarket, is saw this:


It reminded me of home. The hills of the Central Coast. If it hadn’t been for the cars on the other side of the road, I would have sworn that we had just gone through a worm hole or something and popped out in Nipomo. If you paid close attention, to the air, you could sense that the Ocean was nearby. I was home.

Day 2, we will finally go see the Pandas, the reason for this odyssey. The house is a pretty nice beach house, except for one thing; it makes it extremely difficult to be a ninja. Every board creaks and cries with the slightest amount of pressure.

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