Ok, right off the bat, I love funny signs, this one is kinda sad actually… but, I have a sick sense of humor, and therefore, think it’s kinda funny:
And where was this sign?
Yes… that is a pub. A sign to tell the drunks, not to leave their kids in the car.
Anyway, I thought it was painfully funny.
Salt Lake – not quite as huge and amazing as Utah’s, but, still quite a lot of fun in the sense that, it’s pink.
It was quite awesome… and to show you all, I drew a little something in the salt.
Then of course, there was a drive through a small desert, not quite the outback, but it did give me of an idea of what to expect, and what did we see in the desert? What you would hope to see in the Aussie wild:
After that we continued on to a mountain for a great view of the surrounding area.
Yes… took a closer look
The moment I’m sure you’ve waited for…
We were driving home from the mountain top, when all of a sudden! An echidna walked across the road. An echidna is like an Australian porcupine. This is the first time I’ve seen one in the wild, so… obviously, anyone of you knows me knows… I wasted NO time in jumping out of the van and running into the bushes to chase it so I could poke it with a stick.
And poke I did!
Everyone else joined in on the echidna hunt, until the thing did it’s natural tendency of… burrowing for its dear life leaving only it’s “smooth and fluffy” exterior showing.
And yet another fun day or roadtrip comes to an end, Tomorrow… Hall’s Gap, a day of learning about Abos, and a bitchen awesome looking waterfall.
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