Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stealing Mike Tyson’s Tiger

Finding a baby, throwing a mattress off the roof, and being attacked by an angry naked Asian guy where not part of this weekend! Well… I don’t remember those parts if they were.

(Those of you who HAVE watched “The Hangover” help out those who haven’t)

The Estonians and I gave our first go at going to the pub. We had a few drinks at the house first, and they taught me an Estonian drinking game. One which I shall now enlighten all of you on:

Step 1 – get a deck of cards and ensure they are properly shuffled

Step 2 – pick which direction you are going to go

Step 3 – make sure everyone has a full glass of whatever they are drinking
The cards:

Ace – place the card on your forehead without adding any form of moisture to aid in its adhesive quality and take 5 sips, should the card fall, commence the process over again.

2 thru 6 – the person who draws this card gets to assign the number of sips displayed on the card to any player or combination of players. (Ex. Edward draws #5, assigns Markus and Richard 1 each, and Martin 3)

7 – Is a number game, which I hate. The person who draws this card chooses a number and a word to replace that number. Say Martin chooses number 8 and the word is “what up”, we will go through the numbers skipping anything with an “8” (Ex. 8, 18, 28) or anything divisible by “8” (Ex. 16, 24, 32) when these numbers come up, the person who would normally say the number says the chosen word (in this case “what up”) and the direction reverse back the other way.

8 – A “Waterfall”. Here, the person who drew the card chooses a direction for the waterfall to end. Everyone then takes a continuous drink until the person who drew the card finishes, which then sets off the person next to him to finish, which then ends the person next to him, and so on and so forth until you have reached the last person chosen by the one who drew the card.

9 – Lists. Upon drawing the #9, the person thinks up a topic (Ex. Movies starring one of the 6 cast members of “Friends”) to which everyone would have to list an item that fits on the list (Marley and Me, Madagascar, Lost in Space, Analyze That, etc.) the first person to fail, gets to take the sip.

10 – A new rule! This one can be awesome, or completely terrible. Whoever gets the #10 can create a new rule and delete a previously established rule by another #10 card

Jack – “The Chin Master” (If at a circular table can also work with thumbs). The concept is simple, the last person to draw the Jack receives the title of “Chin Master”, until the is de-throned at any point throughout the game, he may place his hand over his chin (in a style of his choosing) and the last person in the group to realize the covering and mimic his action, fails, and therefore takes a sip.

Queen – “The Question Master”. Along the same lines of “Chin Master” in that, you are in that role until someone else draws the next Queen. Any time the QM asks a question, if someone answers them, they fail, and therefore take a sip, IF HOWEVER! The person catches the trap and replies with “You’re the QM” well, different story… The Question Master then failed, and has to take the sip.

King – There is a mutual cup in the center of the action, anyone who draws the first 3 Kings adds a bit of their own drink to the communal cup at center. The 4th king however, not only ends the game, but the unfortunate soul who draws this card must consume the poisonous concoction contained within.

And so, the new game taught/learned, and played… we headed off to the pub in search of fun and adventure!

We got there a bit earlier than the rest of the crowd, we spotted one small cluster of girls, walked over, Martin taking point, initiated contact with the gaggle with, “Hi Ladies, HHHHAAAAve ya met Ted” and turned towards me. (Those of you who DO watch “How I Met Your Mother” help out those who do NOT). Well, as a matter of fact, the girl closest to me HAD met me, because it was my new adopted cousin Laura. Laura’s friends all flocked over to the Estonians with hugs and hello’s, leaving Laura and me standing to the side totally confused. Turns out my crew met her crew the night
before Australia Day.

The rest of the night was filled with meeting new people, and then dancing with new people. I’d go into details… but I can’t, either cause I don’t want to, or can’t remember. I will say this much, the weekend leading up to my Birthday and kicking off my Birthweek was quite a lot of fun.

In other news! I have completed the 1st trimester of my detoxification process from Pepsi. I am now down to only 2 a day. After discussing the process with my sister… I have decided that during the 2nd trimester I’ll take away 2 Pepsis a week as opposed to only 1. This will accelerate the 2nd trimester, making it last only four weeks instead of seven like the first. I don’t know what I’ll do for the 3rd and last… we’ll see how I take this one.

1 comment:

I believe in free speech, but, come on people, let's display a proper level of Netiquette