The adventure continues. We left Aldinga Beach and traveled southward on “The Great Ocean Road” (toward Melbourne), making several scenic pit stops along the way.
For the most part, most of the day’s events would be lost on anyone but the six of us sharing these close quarters, but, I’ll try to let you guys in as best I know how.
The first thing of interest that we came across was a funny sign as we boarded a ferry. I loved the attention to detail of just how painful this mishap could be:
Then we came across another strangely humorous item:
I don’t know who put the fish head there… nor do I know why I found it so funny… but… it was there… and I did.
We continued down the coast, eventually ending up at Mount Gambier. When we got there, we made our way to our accommodations. After getting settled in, we wasted no time in going up to Mount Gambier. What did we find there? A blue lake in the crater of the volcano. We decided to stay until the sunset.
The sun having gone down, we thought we would go to the other side of town to see a giant sink hole. It was quite awesome.
This was also the night that “the KGB tried to kidnap me”. You see… the family as a whole went down into the bottom, we then climbed back up, but before leaving completely, we guys found another area we could walk through. Paul and Matt led the way only to come back due to poor lighting, an excuse that didn’t work for David and me though. So David and I pressed onward exploring the cave like area, we were not alone however. There were four Russians in there with us. We decided to go back, David leading the way, but then, I considered going back, hanging over the railing to get a picture, I eventually decided against it. In the mean time however, the Russians had made their way in between David and me. David had made it all the way back only to hear a group of men speaking Russian in the dark with me nowhere in sight. Yes, this does call for concern. Until finally I emerged victorious from the cave, free from the would be KGB kidnapping. We then continued on to rejoin the rest of the group and head to our nights’ accommodations.
More of the continuing saga tomorrow!
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