Sorely disappoint to say the least. But I’ll tell you what they DO have… the first pair of Pandas in the southern hemisphere. Wang Wang and Funi, they are the primary reason for this road trip. There are two things I find sadly funny about pandas in zoos.
#1 Names.
One being “Wang Wang”; supposedly pronounced “Wong Wong”, but, Aussies are like Americans in the sense that they will pronounce a name more the way they want then the way they should; and the other “Funi”. So what is funny? Well, the male has a name which I understand is a very popular surname in China which literally translated to English, is “King” where as “Funi” the female just means, “Lucky Girl”. I guess she is lucky to be alive…
#2 Animal lovers
By that, I don’t mean the common person who goes to the zoo, I mean the people working there. On our way into the exhibit, we came across one of those informative displays; actually, we came across several of them. One had just gone on and on about how endangered they are, and how much they need protection, then, the next one we see reads:
“Giant Pandas have walked the earth for over 3 million years.
They have survived changes in natural environment because of their ability to adapt – their ‘way’ of living harmoniously with nature.
By exploring ‘The Way of the Panda’, you may gain a greater understanding of how to live in closer harmony with nature.”
The first sign just said “Endangered”! That means, cease to exist. According to survival of the fittest… the dumb weak ones lose. And now… NOW this other sign has the nerve to say “ability to adapt”? Ummm... NO
Then it goes on to say “By exploring ‘The Way of the Panda’” I “may gain a greater understanding of how to live in closer harmony with nature”
Let’s review, we’re talking about an animal with teeth capable of eating meat, and yet CHOOSES to eat just bamboo… really? Seriously? That’s great adapting? I’m supposed to learn from that?
Naw thanks; I’m happy balancing the potatoes on my plate with a nice steak.
Continuing on…
The Zoo did have kangaroos that where pet able and one lonely lil past out and drunken Koala. I love those lil guys. FYI though, don’t think they are too cute, because just when you least suspect it, they will drop out of a tree and EAT your face off.
I do feel like Adelaide needs to update their exhibits somewhat, besides the 77 year old Flamingo with no color, there was this:
Seriously guys, I’m sure George was great and all, but it’s time to move on, sometimes… monkeys die. But one lil monkey I hope never dies, is the Golden Lion Tamarin, the only thing on the level of cuteness as the Koala, I mean unless of course you’re Andrew and hate all primates that aren’t from a Nintendo game, how can you not like this lil guy:
After the zoo, we returned home. Later that night, I walked down to the beach by my lonesome, and was contemplating a night swim. The problem is I was by myself, in a new area, about to enter the Indian Ocean for the first time, in darkness. Then I remembered; Jaws kinda started like this… maybe it’s a bad idea. So I stood there, in the shallow surf, with the sea breeze, and the feeling of home.
How can I feel at home so many miles away from where I was raised? Simple, Neptune is my other father, and the ocean my other mother. Salt water runs in my veins and coral in my bones. Ok, potential slight exaggeration… but, you know where I’m going with this…
I like water.
It was at least, the first time I touched the Indian Ocean. Now leaving only the Arctic, I’m really really not looking forward to that one.
Don’t let the sarcasm, bitchin and moaning fool you, it was a pretty awesome day. More adventure to come tomorrow.
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