The Hostel’s reaction to my experiment, and the review is still to come, as, well, truth is I am still taking it all in.
Being homeless aside, life back in the hostel!
Well, have made a new set of lifelong backpacker friends. Two days ago I went out on the streets with two of them:
Annie and Laurence from England. We explored Darling Harbor and had lunch as we watched Jessica sail in to Sydney Harbor from her historic journey.
A surprising thing has happened while drinking with the others in the hostel at night. The Germans, the English, the Sweedes and Dutch, I’ve always gotten along with, but, these last couple days… I’ve started to really get along with another group of guys here. To help explain this new turn of events, I turn to Mel Gibson for some illustrative help:
Ya, that’s right, I’ve been talking to my roommate Jon a lot more. He actually if fun to drink with. A fellow avid movie watcher, me and him actually double teamed one of the English guy’s who is crazy enough to say that Daniel Craig is the best Bond, and you should hear how much passion a drunken Jon puts into defending the fact that Episode 3 rather than Episode 6 is the best Star Wars (Episode 6 though is the one with Leah in the Gold Bikini, I don’t understand how ANY of the other episodes tops that). Our Star Wars difference aside, when it comes to James Bond, we both agree… Scotland forever!
The other case in favor of Jon was the other night when one of the English and one of the Germans brought up the past
English: (speaking to Jon pointing to German) WHO SAVED YOUR ASS FROM HIM!? WE DID! England!
German: Bullshit
Jon: Dis is not quite true
English: NOT QUITE TRUE! Man, he (pointing to German) had already invaded you! You guys didn’t do shit! We came in, and WE saved your ass
Jon: No you didn’t… you tried to…
English: Watchu mean tried to but didn’t?
German: Jon’s got a point
English: NO he doesn’t! We came in, kicked your ass (to German) and saved his (about Jon)
Jon: No no no… HIS people (pointing to me) saved our ass, you just tried to, you guys sucked until he showed up.
English: oh… well… we were still on the same side…
On to yesterday…
I got a small pack of small Koalas for 10 of my lucky friends who missed out last time I was here. If I could, I’d bring you all back a piece of Australia, but, I’m poor, broke, and no one else made any requests, so there ya go.
Then, I took a ferry ride out to Taronga Zoo where I made another new friend, who, though very very cute, I better not get to attached to.
Me and Baby Emu (I am leaving the genderizing and naming process to its future owner) saw quite a few of the sites in Sydney Harbor
Like the Opera House:
And of course the Harbor Bridge:
Then Baby Emu and I rode the subway back to King’s Cross, and this is where something I think really funny happened…
I think this Baby Emu has walked past more Adult Book Stores, Pubs, Strip Clubs, and Hookers, than the person it’s going to.
…I thought it was funny anyway.
Today is my last full day in Australia.
Woke up, went for a jog with Laurence in which he helped me remake a classic scene in cinematic history, but that to come later, for now, just a hint/teaser:
Plans for the rest of the day?
I’m really not sure. Saying good bye to Noonas is for sure, and a sunset from Watson’s Bay might happen depending on the weather.
I know one thing for sure, whatever today holds, it will be bittersweet.
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