Time: 1649
Location: Photo spot in Royal Botanical Garden
Just woke up.
Should feel good because of the amount of sleep.
I don’t.
Day: Friday
Time: 1739
Location: Opera House – Bridge side
Ankle hurts again which means limited walking. There has been a demon loose in my tummy or something.
Lesson from this early afternoon:
People will still ignore the “Hello” of a homeless person with a smile.
Think I need to re-do the sign which means more cardboard. Guess I’ll limp over to Noonas. Dafa should be there by the time I get there.
Day: Friday
Time: 1800
Location: Circular Quay Train Station
Limped to Circular Quay.
Minus the sunrise at Bondi… today has sucked.
Day: Fridday
Time: 1843
Location: Noonas
I went to Coles to buy some Top Ramen like noodles, 5 for $1.10.
Thankfully… I managed to NOT embarrass myself today when I got to the front of the line.
I get here and Dafa is at the front, I say hello, he says, “Hey man! You’re crazy you know!”
Obviously Masar told him what I’ve been up to.
Looking in the mirror they have here I notice my right eye is twitching. It was twitching the last four times I was near a mirror. Also, I just realized my face is almost as this as I want it to be when I get home AND I have one and ¼ chins which is better than the 2 and ½ I’ve had for quite awhile.
I just realized that I slept through the 3 day marker. That means in seven hours I will be at the halfway point of my expirament.
Out of curiosity, I’m going to check fountain in the cross for change.
In about one pinch worth of fat, I’ll be able to see all of my jaw line again. Aahhh jaw line… how I miss you. The crests of my cheek bones are visible, but I’m still a cheeky fellow in both the literal and British phrase meaning.
I notice I smile with both sides of my mouth more than I use to, like WAY more considering I never use to unless something made me really happy. Anyway, enough time with my vanity and the big mirror.
Customers left.
Day: Friday
Time: 1916
Location: Noonas
Dafa just asked if I was hungry. I said ya, but I didn’t make enough money today, so I just came to refill my water and hang out.
He said, “so what do you want?”
“I can’t Dafa, it’s against the rules I set for myself.”
“Aahhh but you didn’t ask, I did! So come on. What do you want?”
“You’re going to push me aren’t you?”
“Ok, I’ll take a small thing of chips”
“Nah, Tony! Make our friend a beef kehbab.”
These guys are awesome, but I feel bad.
Blessed to have them as friends, but I really wanted to keep to the rules, if I don’t make enough money tomorrow, I will have to stay away completely.
Day: Friday
Time: 2004
Location: Central Station – Platform 17
Amazing how use to lamb an American can get, especially when hungry.
I looked at the menu and saw “Beef Kehbab $5”
Australian minimum wage is $10 an hour…
“Hey Dafa!”
“What is it my friend? How was da kehbab?”
“It was good, hey, you know I use to be a prep cook in a kitchen right?”
“ya, and?”
“Well, let me work for ½ hour to pay for my food”
(Turning to Tony) “Doesn’t quit this one, you know the first time he was here, he came back in the middle of the night because Masar forgot to charge him for his food
(to me) “Look, you are homeless right now right?”
“Ok, if you worked at a place like this, and a poor person was hungry, what would you do? Would you feed him?”
“Dafa… you know I would… but that’s real… I’m…”
“…my friend, I know you are. But you told Masar you want as real of an experience possible, no? Well that means, friend or not… ALL I am doing is helping a poor hungry person.”
“Look, next week, you show up, you bring money, or work, or whatever it is you wanna do. THIS week… if you need anything and I, Tony, or Masar are here… you come man, ANY time man, you’re always welcome here, you know that.”
“Ya… I do. I’m off to Darling Harbor right now. I’ll see you tomorrow then”
“Ok! See you later.”
He does make a valid point, however, I’m more on Masar’s side that, knowing that I’m not really homeless, I should sacrifice some forms of charity that could go to someone else. Was still nice hanging out with Dafa & Tony for a bit, even if they are always busy on Friday night.
Walked over to the fountain. On my way, I ran into the REAL Ana and Katie. It took a bit of a second to process after hearing, “Hi Ana! Hi Katie!”
Then Ana replied, “oh ello luv, how is being homeless?”
E – Yeah, it’s ok
K – Being homeless? (this apparently was Katie’s first hearing of the news)
E – Ya, I’m doing a social experiment
K – An experiment
A – Ya, he is living on the streets for a week
E – Yup
K – Oh
A – So what are you doing in the Cross?
E – Visiting Dafa and Tony at Noonas, let them know I’m still alive
A – Ah, alright, well we have to get going to work, but it was good seeing you and we’ll talk in a few days I guess.”
E – yeah, no worries, see yas
Saw Louisiana Katie and Alex at the fountain café. Then saw one of the French girls going the opposite direction on the excalator at King’s Cross Station. Fairly confident she recognized me.
Now continuing journey to Darling Harbor
I remember when we forgot to pay...that was like a $20 meal...i miss their pizzas...yummmm