Time: 0926
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 5
While trying to decide on new topic… he starts talking to me. Can’t understand a word. Finally I use this to my advantage as an excuse to sit next to him.
Smell of urine is over powering. Must keep bench distance a part.
His name I believe is “Marvin”. He claims to be South African and thought I was an Aussie. Doesn’t answer questions well. Started talking about the World Cup since he is excited about South Africa being host country.
Name, place of origin, smell, and views on sea gulls and soccer where all I got out of him.
I lit a cigarette for him since he seemed to be having trouble finding his lighter. He said, “You’re friendlier than most Aussies”. That’s when I told him I wasn’t.
Two beautiful French women sat near me with more bench space available. I must not have reached that level of homeless-repulsive OR I’m not believable while I write.
Time to clean out empty can and try to make money.
Day: Friday
Time: 1121
Location: Photo spot in Royal Botanical Garden
I’m all set up now, but no takers.
In fact, I think only about three people have read my lovely sign.
Might have to rethink strategy on this one.
Being able to sing well or play an instrument would help right about now.
Day: Friday
Time: 1316
Location: Photo spot in Royal Botanical Garden
Though I’ve seen plenty of joggers, very few tourist, and even fewer who wanted a picture taken.
Going to go over to Darling Harbor after nap.
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