Time: 1427
Location: Phillip & Alfred
4 days down… 3 to go…
Opera House security informs me there is no begging on the property. He points to a spot that is technically off the property but still has good view with high traffic. I thank him and leave.
I’ll try the recommended spot later.
Looked for Marvin, couldn’t find him, going to scout out souvenir shop going out of business then have lunch and try begging again.
Day: Saturday
Time: 1533
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 5
Going to see the crowd at Darling Harbor for a bit.
Day: Saturday
Time: 1633
Location: Pyrmont Bay Darling Harbor
Fell asleep on the way over here from Circular Quay. Right now waiting for ferry back to Circular Quay, then I’ll go to the Cross and eat, then find a spot in the Botanical Gardens and fall asleep for who knows how long. I’m considering breaking into that tent again potentially. I do know I’m going to walk the entire Opera House looking for money.
My body aches in so many places right now. From my feet to the not-quite-yet-but-almost headache like thing I’ve got going on. Some nice grassy area in a perfect temperature sounds really good right now.
Took a 10 min. break to email my Madre to ensure her I’m alive, and snuck on to see what all you have been up to on Facebook only to find out that although my time was up last time I took a break, that does NOT log you off what you had open. So, if any of you got something this week on Facebook from me… ya… that wasn’t actually me.
Day: Saturday
Time: 1815
Location: Noonas
Subway to the Cross broken or something. Perhaps scheduled maintenance? Whatever the case is. I had to take a bus to the Cross from Central.
Now, on the list of things that hurt: my bad wrist.
Don’t get me wrong, I am totally glad that the old woman whose life I saved is fine, no bruise, no broken him, not even a sprained ankle or anything… that part is totally awesome, but I really don’t need more body parts hurting tonight.
I have come to the Conclusion that the Skinny looking really weird looking dude with really really fat girl; assuming abstinence and same socio-economic level of living so that nothing can be gained either in materialistic terms or in terms of sex because no one else wants to touch them; is probably the best display of true love in a couple. The only other thing I can think of would be two blind people.
I wish we could all look at each other blindly so it was only ones voice and actions that mattered. I know it would still be possible to discriminate with accents and stuff, but you know what I mean.
Dafa & Tony just showed up. Time to eat and enjoy my good fortune of the $20 since I only got $1.30 begging.
Day: Saturday
Time: 2032
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 4
Why did only crack whores throw themselves at me tonight? Couldn’t at least one sober one have a go at me?
VERY little effort went into denying tonight’s advances. So far anyway, I mean, the night may not be over, but I am out of the Cross, and very few of the same things happen here at the Quay.
So I’m here at the Quay, and instead of being bundled up and putting on my second jacket… I actually haven’t reached for my first.
I almost invited myself into a conversation between the old woman who is always here and some other woman who looked like the “Match Maker” in “Fiddler on the Roof” It seemed like WAY more ten “Isn’t it a nice night”, so instead I talked to the accordion player. He was doing his own rendition of “Waltzing Matilda” and I thought it sounded really good.
Joseph! Mama Bauer (and therefore all 13)! Guess what we have in common with Accordion Guy? Hungarian!
In other news:
According to my belt, if Objective 1 of Operation Nova Aquila is weight loss, well… I probably should have spent the whole time as a homeless guy in Sydney. The lack of gluttony combined with walking uncountable Km’s (Mi’s) all day and night since I’m not sleeping has made me go down a few clicks on my belt. I wonder if my good black belt will fit when I get back on Tuesday since I was almost on the last hole when I took to the streets. I must be losing some ass fat also because I can’t sit on concrete, stone, rock, etc. as long as I use to.
Day: Saturday
Time: 2112
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 4
Just watched a young mother dance with her toddler daughter for about the last half hour, stopping only because Accordion Guy stopped.
The lil girl was so cute, she reminded me a lot of Lindsey. How much bigger will she have grown since I left. And Nic and Sonia! How much does Nic talk? Does Sonia walk already? Just six months of many many more in their lives that I will miss.
Put jacket on, still more for comfort than necessity.
Day: Saturday
Time: 2300
Location: Circular Quay – bus stop
Massive hunger attack.
None of the places I was thinking of sleeping tonight are really an option yet because the Opera House just let out and people are all partying at the bars below.
So I think I’m going to give the Cross a go.
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