Time: 1110
Location: McMahon’s Point
Made it back to where I was last night for the daytime panoramic.
Next I think I’ll get one from the North end of the Bridge at Sunset and Dawn. Sunset is not too bad. This very unfortunetly means not being protected from cold tomorrow morning.
Shoulder is starting to hurt again.
I have moved past the point of hungry and just desire water to keep hydrated.
You know the taste of morning breath?
For some reason it seems worse with dry mouth. Maybe for the sake of my cavity, I should have cheated and brought a tooth brush.
I totally just freaked out the well dressed old lady I’m sitting next to. Funny, but it does bring up the next item on my mind (well next item besides the blond-wealthy looking-please have pity on the poor and be a cougar woman that just showed up on my other side) …with any luck I migt be losing that extra bit of fat that I failed to do so in Leeton. I am getting a headache and I cannot tell if it is from the noise of construction 20 meters from me, the lack of sleep, or the lack of eating.
This next part of the experiment is going to be hard. You see, my Madre trained me to be proud. I don’t mean my problem with narcism, I mean the good kind of pride, pride of accomplishment. She taught me to keep a clean house, clean kitchen with organization, always have fresh laundry, and most importantly, NOT be dependent on others. I’m having a real hard time with the concept that I actually have to beg.
I almost stole an apple earlier. It was the most beautiful, big, juicy looking apple I think I’ve ever seen. There was also the remains of a loaf of bread still in the wrapper siting on the counter at an open air deli that I nearly ninjad.
Sadly, I don’t really know if it’s my morals or fear of being caught that prevented me. I mean, I am fairly ninja like, but that’s when I’m at my best, who knows what my skill level is right now.
Side bar: Just had two tourist ask if I was Aussie because of how confused I left them, said most all my sentence in Californian but used “meters” instead of “yards” and apparently my “no worries” has gotten really good.
Time to get on another ferry
Day: Wednesday
Time: 1136
Location: On ferry to Darling Harbor
I love the Ocean. It is so beautiful. Filled with life and mystery.
Maybe I am starting to look homeless enough. One of the crew just came up to me and asked if I had a ticket, but didn’t ask anyone else on that dock. And so, the official discrimination that I was couting on starts.
Day: Wednesday
Time: 1223
Location: Harbor Side Darling Harbor
My total findings in change has gone over $4 so I am eating a $3.45 snack box from a KFC that I found.
God has decided to add to my test by adding copious amounts of rain. I know what you’re thinking, “Good, maybe he will get rained out of this foolish experiment and go back to the hostel”
Well… for those who have been reading for awhile, think back to the post on Envy. The Eagle is the ONLY bird that does not fly away from a storm but stays in its nest for the duration.
Though… I will take a 10-20 minute break from this experiment to email (lie) to my Madre so she doesn’t freak out.
Day: Wednesday
Time: 1306
Location: Outside Harbor Side
Just emailed the Mater Familius. Going to visit the Cross and see who is working at Noonas and maybe get a pizza box to draw/write on for begging.
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