Time: 1509
Location: Noonas
After waiting forever at the dock, I took a ferry back to Circular Quay from Darling Harbor, then took a subway to Cetral Station (when really I only have to go to Town Hall, but it’s only one station over). Then another from Central to King’s Cross. Oh what a greeting back to the Cross. Hookers and crazy people yelling. Funny how welcoming it really is. Upon the assumption that you are use to is.
Masar IS working.
Day: Wednesday
Time: 1639
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 5
Masar is a good guy.
He filled up my water bottle and gave me a pizza box so that I could use it as a sign to beg for money tomorrow. Ifound more change at Darling Harbor which is how I managed to buy the chicken and chips at Noonas.
If it seems like I’m doing free advertisement for them, it’s because I think they deserve it. Then again… I am bias.
So I’m back down in one of my favorite places, Circular Quay, and I’ve noticed that the old woman that I saw sleeping in Circular Quay near the other homeless has a bit of permanent set up there.
After my own experience not sleeping last night and sleeping any chance I got this morning, I think I’m coming to the conclusion that homeless are like Koalas.
You see, the Aboriginal legend says Koalas are drunk from eating fermented eucalyptus trees. The science behind it says that they get so little nutrition, they don’t have energy. And so it’s not necessarily that they are all drunk and high (not all) they just don’t have energy either due to a poor diet or the lack of good sleep they receive.
Masar says he thinks I’ll sleep better tonight. I think I’m going to try lining my jacket with news paper.
Day: Wednesday
Time: 1744
Location: Milson’s Point
Sitting next to Luna Park in front of the big freaky face that is its enterance. Got the sunset picture that I wanted. Not sure what to do now. This reminds me of the last time I was on this side of the bridge with Andrew. If it wasn’t as good of a friend that I am, he would have gone to the hostel alone that night while I went back to the German girl’s flat who we were talking to and showed us that spot by the Bridge.
Definetly NOT spending as windy a night like this one this side of the bridge. Darling Harbor will still be cold, but at least there are buildings to give shelter from the wind.
Day: Wednesday
Time: 1907
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 5
Just got back to Circular Quay. I got on the first ferry out of Luna Park which was the wrong one. Took half hour nap on the ferry.
href="http://s51.photobucket.com/albums/f362/jedam/Life%20on%20the%20Streets/?action=view¤t=homeless019.jpg" target="_blank">
Get off ferry and decide now that it’s dark, I need to pay more attention to coins on the ground.
On my way to the toilet… I spot a $50 note!
I couldn’t believe it. I ninjaed it before anyone could see it. I’m going to have a filling late dinner that hopefully gives me the energy for the night.
Day: Wednesday
Time: 2108
Location: Harbor Side Darling Harbor
So full.
Hurray for food!
Hurray for money on the floor!
Having done some research, I decided to save my money and not do the Sydney Tower next week, other plans are still a go however.
Considering walking through park tonight. Also considering buying a cheap beanie with some of the found money. Should do it now while things are still open.
Day: Wednesday
Time: 2132
Location: Harbor Side Darling Harbor
Took lap around mall.
Too late for most shops. The one I found open had no beenies. They DID however have light weight fleece sweater jackets which I convinced myself I needed. Especially being on sale. A XXL in Aussie is just barely an American XL. Apparently, I’ve lost so much fat that not only can a slightly smaller than XL fleece sweater jacket fit, BUT! It can fit UNDER my Nike “jacket” AND I can still zip it up all the way. Zipping it up was NOT an option when I got here in December.
If some of you are thinking, “No fair! You are adding to your supplies!”
#1 Masar GAVE me the cardboard
#2 I found the $50, which ANY one walking in that area could have done
#3 This jacket was bought with part of $50 that was found
It is a simple design, “AUSTRALIA” white letters with blue background, white collar, and the Aussie flag near the heart. I justified this purchase because not only will it help me leave Australia ALIVE, I’ll need a souvenir or two (besides my small army of Platypi accumulated with the help of the Mitchells)
With this new heat source, I feel a bit more empowered to explore tonight, even if it is supposed to be the coldest of the week.
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