Friday, May 14, 2010

Life on the Streets: Day 4 – Part 3

Day: Saturday
Time: 0309
Location: Harbor Side Darling Harbor – Stairwell


Meh… on second thought… going to risk pain, cold, and Chinese to get to Central Station. Trains will start shortly after I get there if they haven’t yet.


Day: Saturday
Time: 0348
Location: Central Station – Platform 17


Where are the homeless?

Last night’s count is as follows:

Central Station = 5
Pitt Street (Central to Hyde Park) = 12
Hyde Park = 7
Tunnel near park = 9
Pitt Street (Hyde Park to C. Quay) = 3
Circular Quay = 2

Just now as I turned on to Pitt street, and walked all through the Chinatown section of Pitt St. (which is where most of last night’s 12 where). I only counted one. Then I get to the station and there are two. Makes me wonder the percentage of regulars vs. wanderers.

Then I get here to the station, and I walk down the same tunnel, but it was creepy at nearly 4 am with no one else around. See what I mean:


It felt like zombies were going to start chasing me down it. Then I get top side. Central train station without anyone is odd to say the least…



I wonder if I’ll be able to find Marvin tomorrow.


Day: Saturday
Time: 0500
Location: Central Station – Platform 17

Finally in train that will go to Circular Quay.

It only took an HOUR longer then I thought it would.


Day: Saturday
Time: 0621
Location: Opera House – North side



So I get to Circular Quay only to discover the ferry doesn’t leave until 6:20 am on Saturdays and Sundays. Decided to wait until Monday when it get there early enough to get the awesome sunrise colors I want. Instead I’ll sit here and get another pic of the bridge at sunrise PROPER not just post-dawn (yes, there is a difference)



Day: Saturday
Time: 0629
Location: Opera House – North side

Small victory!

There is a long term tent/canopy set up near where I was sitting. Was curious… found out doors where unlocked. Hiding from wind in here until Sun emerges.

Ok… technically yes, if you wanna put a name on it, I might be trespassing.

But look at the comfy cushion I’m sitting on!



Day: Saturday
Time: 0707
Location: Opera House – North side

Victory #2! So, I took a picture or two of the bridge with the actual sun having risen I didn’t want to go back in the tent.

That’s a lie. I wanted very badly to get in the tent but considered consequences of being caught by staff. So I went to a storage door I discovered like on my first night. The sun was shining in it, but the wind was completely blocked.


I went in, set my bag down, did the usual picture and then as I walked back to the bag… something made me look in the corner, and there in the corner, was what at first glance I thought I saw a note. I looked again to be sure… $20!

If I didn’t make one more cent begging, I still have enough for dinner for the next (and last) three nights.

I think this experiment is proving some of what some of you don’t like about me, my Teflon like quality and luck, although I don’t actually believe in luck, if I did though, maybe people who say Feb 1 is a “power” number for Aquarians or whatever are right.

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