Time: 1120
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf #4
Just took a walkabout the Quay toward the Rocks. Only homeless person is the old guy that lays on his side wherever he is. I said hi as I passed him on the other side of Wharf 4 and kept walking. When I got near the water, I saw a large fish breech the surface and so I watched it swim for a bit until it swam off. I turned around… and there was side laying guy! Of course… laying on his side. I’ve only seen him walk, once, and I don’t remember it being that quick.
My ankle has been hurting all morning and I look forward to it giving me a break when I get back to the hostel and relax. Shoulder hasn’t hurt that bad or that much.
Day: Tuesday
Time: 1140
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf #4
Time to make fun of white people again.
I’ve noticed that most all the white and a limited number of Asian parents that walk by me will put as much space between me and their kids as possible, and if they notice their kid notice me, they accelerate to get out of visual. Non-Anglos and half the other Asians for the most part (exceptions on both sides) will walk right by me. Even if they don’t smile back or acknowledge my being here, they do nothing to shelter their children from the sight of a homeless person.
My Madre, though worrisome and overcautious as she might be, did little to hide the fact that evil is in the world and that bad things happen, even to good people. When I was younger, I always figured I knew more about the world then the other Anglos (Whenever I make fun of whites remember, I myself am ¼ English with an English based given & surname) because my Father died when I was five and my Mother and I were born in the 3rd world. So yes, I did think it was culture related. But now as I grow up and have learned more about other cultures, I see how much deeper it goes.
For example, here is one easy experiment to do that I first learned about from Pastor Aaron and then observed it when my niece Lindsey was still a baby and toddler. Get a mixed ethnicity group of people (preferably women) and pass a one year old around the group (preferably sitting in a circular formation) notice how many of the Anglos hold the baby/toddler facing themselves so that they can easily look at each other. Then notice how many Hispanics, Asians, and anyone else you have there, tend to hold the child at minimum perpendicular to themselves so the baby can see most of the group. This is the beginning of social development. These of you who hold children, think of the way, you hold them and consider your own ethnic background.
I don’t mean to go into a Pocahontas style rant of “you think you own whatever land you land on…” but I will say this, I think it is sad that the most successful Empire in modern time has some of the worst food. I mean, there is bread pudding, and most people like fish n chips, but, besides that…
Trust me, I’m going somewhere with this. Most of the world, including (but not limited to the same degree) Americans, view eating as a social activity. Anglos however kind of leave if at “invite people over for dinner” whereas most the rest of the world makes a day of it. I remember when I was dating Sarah who was Anglo, Brit & Russian ancestry, and I told her to go to Ed & Lulu’s after work or whatever for dinner, because it was like Lindsey’s 2nd birthday. When she got there, she couldn’t believe how loud the neighbors had their music. Why? Because who would blast it at a 2 year olds birthday? Well, apparently Hondurans. Also related to my Ex’s and Ed & Lulu… the most recent succubus took about a year to be fully trained that when you want to go over there, you get in the car and drive over. The first three months she wouldn’t even go without hearing from at least my Madre that she was in fact invited. I should have broken up with her then and saved myself a lot of trouble.
Anglos… in terms of economics, we are the most successful ethnicity, and have been for awhile, but, while living in a 100% Anglo environment, in 66 days I got 3.5 hugs (the ½ was a “bro” during a pool game).
There is a Jack Johnson song called “People Watching” and the lyrics go:
“Well I’m just people watching, the other people watching me, the other people watching we. We’re as lonely as we wanted to be, we’re all as lonely as we wanted to be, just as lonely as we wanted to be.”
I wonder if we Anglos could harness our passion for accomplishments and wealth, and direct it at people, what sort of world would we live in?
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