Time: 1507
Location: Opera House – Bench in R.B.G.
Day 6 is over!
I have under 23 hours left until I can return to the Cross.
I would just say the Hostel, but even being in the Cross is too much temptation to go to the Hostel.
Think I might just people watch in Circular Quay for a bit. Then see if I’m inspired to do anything else.
Have a bit of a headache developing.
Day: Monday
Time: 1600
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 4
People watching, and one mime. Not that mimes aren’t people, just saying, there is regular people watching, and then there is watching a street performer.
As an actor, I have respect for the art of mime on principle and how difficult it can be, most mimes though are just irritating and that makes it hard to appreciate it in practice. When they are cute female mimes however…
Day: Monday
Time: 1613
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 4
“he who gives to the poor will not lack, but he who hides his eyes will have many curses”
-Prov. 28:27
Could this be what is leading our economic woes?
Day: Monday
Time: 1635
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 4
Moral boost:
“If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as noonday.”
-Isaiah 58:10
Good to read to redirect why I’m out here after my doubt filled morning.
Day: Monday
Time: 1700
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 4
21 hours remain.
I can’t wait to sit on cushions again.
Day: Monday
Time: 1720
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 4
Just saw “the changing of the guard”. Mime left the spot while Hungarian Accordion Player set up. Then cute mime came over and chatted with me.
Not going to lie… the cute mime talking slightly ruined a bit of the magic. Though, now it is confirmed that she also has a nice voice and I’m not just assuming.
She knew the story of Ruth and quoted a few passages. I was impressed, then like a good Catholic I felt guilty for (amongst other things) only referring to her as “Cute Female Mime”. She liked the idea behind the experiment.
Hungarian is playing away now. He seemed to come out of the bullpen strong. Though, he kind of has to with the “Abo band” still playing only 2 ½ Wharfs down.
Day: Monday
Time: 1739
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 4
I think I’m having an aneurism or something. This could be the worst dehydration I’ve been stupid enough to allow myself sink into.
Day: Monday
Time: 1800
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 4
20 hours to go!
Day: Monday
Time: 1842
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 4
Bit of a chat with a guy in a wheel chair also listening to Hungarian Accordion Guy.
Think I’ll take last ferry to Darling and re-walk last night’s path, minus the Cross and go ALL the way through this time.
Day: Monday
Time: 1920
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 4
I just realized that at 1900 I only had 19 hours left. Playing with number in time is about as Math nerd as I get, but I admit to it at least.
While Hungarian Accordion Guy (or should it be Accordion Hungarian Guy, since it is him and not the instrument, hmmmmm…) took a break we talked for a little bit. I like his version of “That’s Amore”, he does one of the songs from “The Godfather”, and now he is back on “Waltzing Matilda”.
After the chat, I had a walk about the Quay. My sweet tooth could take it no longer and I spent 50 of my 60 cents on a Maccas ice cream cone.
My pee is looking lighter, so I might be correcting this dehydration problem after all.
As I was walking back to my spot on the ground, I noticed something in a shop window that I found humorous, and Prof. Auten, for some reason, I think your and my stepdad Dave would both enjoy owning one for themselves,
If you are wondering… YES, they are what you think, off a kangaroo, WITH a bottle opener on top. Unfortunately, the going price for some Kanga-nads is $50. But hey, you can at least tell him your favorite student had his sense of humor in mind on my odyssey.
Joseph, Hungarian Accordion Guy looks like he could be an Uncle:
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