Time: 0000
Location: St Mary’s Cathedral
Hyde Park:
South – Fountain = 3
Fountain – west = 8
West – Northwest = 0
Northwest – Northeast = 0
Northeast – Tunnel = 6
Day: Monday
Time: 0029
Location: Noonas
From Hyde Park/St. Mary’s there were only two.
In King’s Cross itself there were eight that I could find.
Day: Monday
Time: 0520
Location: Circular Quay – Wharf 3
While at Noona’s a girl from the hostel came by and we started talking etc. Dafa and Tony were closing shop for the night and so we left and talked outside for a bit.
Her being cold, she convinced me to visit the Pink House for a bit. So stayed for a little under an hour before leaving. It took SO much energy to not just stay there and give up on the last day. But my will power led me out and back to the streets.
I do feel like I failed myself a little by letting a girl talk me into going back. It was hard going back to the streets after having a sample of what you are missing.
So I am on the street ready to head north and run into two other girls from the hostel. One asked how being homeless was going and so I gave the fully detailed answer of, “ok”. Then she went on to ask a few more questions and then after having mentioned how not everything turned out the way I thought it should she said, “So then would you say this has just been an utter failure and waste of your time?” I of course said no and did that defense mechanism thing that I do where I make a joke and try for a topic change, all in order to hide the fact that I have emotions.
I am fairly confident she was joking when she said that, after all, she hasn’t read this yet, so she doesn’t know how much of a failure I was feeling like yesterday after realizing I had to give up on some aspects of the expirement.
Speaking to the girls that I spoke to did make it harder to go back to the streets. But I said a full week, and so I won’t be finished until 1400 on Tuesday.
Day: Monday
Time: 1209
Location: Opera House – Bench in R.B.G.
So this morning I was going to go to Manly, well, having stayed up ALL of last night without even my usual night nap, the moment I sat near a column at Circular Quay to write the last section, I instantly fell asleep. Not only that, my back was not resting against it flat and so I slid to the sie and hit the concrete with the left of my body. Then I get on board the ferry and fall asleep pretty instantly. And somehow mess up my bad wrist. I waske up at one point and people are coming on and I think to myself, “wow, that must have been a microsleep” not realizing of course we were at Manly and the people getting on were going to Circular Quay. We arrive at our destination and I am immediately disappointed by how sunny it is. Then I get off the ferry and it hits me… “I’m back in the Quay and completely slept through that ride!!!”
After last night’s chats with the girls from the hostel, and now after this most recent failure, I’m nearly ready to quit.
I won’t.
I hate to say it, but the thought has been running through my head.
After this morning’s failure I managed to stumble up to the Opera House and to my bench where I’ve just slept for nearly four hours, and now want some more.
I am not quitting.
I am however cutting loose most all aspects of the expirament which pretty much just leaves me with: Survive today, find the owners of the stashed away bags, etc.
I might be giving up on the survey also.
Damn it… to quote a great prince,
“Listen home boys, don’t mean to bust yo bubble,
But girls of the world aid nothing but trouble”
(the Fresh one, which Prince did you think I meant? Charles? Cracka please)
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